A new season for First Peoples Voices

After our whirlwind Christmas Outreach Campaign, my focus shifted to administrative duties. Midway through, I was again reminded that our relationship and fellowship with Indigenous communities continues and grows because of your prayers and vital support. Thank You!

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Blessed to be a Blessing

My recent visit to the James Smith Cree Nation reminded me of how God works through each of us. Your prayers and support to First Peoples Voices enabled us to show and share the love of God to a community still reeling from the mass murders in September.

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Blessing 131 Communities this Christmas!

In our last update, we were so excited to share that we have received over $300,000 worth of Christmas gift! Well, the giving continued until November 5th and our total donation of products came to $552,000 in value, which is almost double what we had anticipated. The warehouse at Canadian Bible Society was packed to the rafters and three skids high in some places!

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Finding Truth in Reconciliation

This month has been extremely profound. I sat glued to my computer and watched reporters in Rome cover the historic exchange between Pope Francis and Indigenous delegates from across Turtle Island (North America). Although the official apology was long-overdue, Indigenous trailblazers continued to communicate ‘it’s never too late to do the right thing’. The Pope’s detailed apology was another milestone on this collective path to reconciliation.

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Orange Shirt Day – Every Child Matters

On the first day at residential school, survivor Phyllis Jack Webstad wore her shiny new orange shirt, bought by her grandmother. She loved it! However, it was taken from her as a six-year old girl at the school. September 30th was chosen because it is the time of year in which children were taken from their homes and forced onto a plane, bus or truck and sent to residential schools.

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