When you leave a legacy gift to Crossroads, you ensure the continuity of your Kingdom investment in our growing media mission to reach younger generations with the Good News.
What shall I return to the Lord for all his bounty to me?
Psalm 116:12
We thank those who have so generously left a bequest to Crossroads this year
Gratitude Partners:

“In my life and over half a century of ministry, there is no question in my mind the hope that is in God for those who believe…and that’s why for David and me, Crossroads media mission was always part of our legacy giving, to ensure the next generation knows God’s love.”
Norma-Jean MainseCo-founder of Crossroads
How Do I Give A Legacy Gift?
Make A Bequest In Your Will
Bequests are the giving vehicle of choice because they are easy to arrange. A bequest is communicated through your last Will and Testament. This can be done by giving a particular amount or a percentage of your estate. Your lawyer should assist you with this.
Benefits of a bequest gift:
- It’s simple: Leaving a gift in your Will is easy to arrange
- It’s flexible: A gift in your Will can be made no matter how old you are or how much you have to give
- It has tax advantages: A gift in your Will is a highly effective way to reduce taxes on your estate. This means you can pay less tax to the government and more to ministry
- It has a lasting impact: Leaving a charitable gift in your Will gives you the satisfaction that the areas you felt strongly about in your lifetime will continue to receive support, even after you’re gone
- It’s personalized: You can make a general gift, or choose to designate it to a specific Crossroads program, the 24/7 Prayer Lines or other
To learn more call 1-800-265-3100 or email [email protected]
Invest In A Charitable Gift Annuity
A charitable gift annuity is an investment that provides you with an above average guaranteed income for life, the remainder of which is donated to Crossroads ministries when the Lord calls you home.
Benefits of an annuity:
- Safe secure stream of income that can be entirely tax-free
- Better rate of return than is currently possible through a GIC, Bond or TFSA
- You will receive a one-time charitable tax receipt for 20% or more of your invested amount that can be applied for tax savings for up to an additional five years
- No reduction of your Old Age Security (OAS)
- Ability to meet your ministry goals during and after your lifetime
- Are not part of an estate and therefore not subject to probate fees and cannot be contested
To learn more call 1-800-265-3100 or email [email protected]
Donate A Gift-in-kind
Gifts-in-kind donations are made in the form of an asset or property that has real value and is not a gift of cash. The most common gifts-in-kind are securities such as stock, bonds, mutual funds or donations of real estate.
Benefits of a gift-in-kind:
- Significant tax savings
- Avoid capital gains tax on securities
- Receive a charitable tax receipt for fair market value to use for the current taxation year or to be carried over for a maximum of five years
- Excellent tax planning strategy when considering downsizing, retirement or at estate time
- Have the satisfaction of seeing your gift at work today
To learn more call 1-800-265-3100 or email [email protected]
Charitable Gift Planning
Link Charity Canada Inc. provides the tools for linking donors and charities together for planned giving initiatives.
“Leaving a legacy to Crossroads gave my parents the peace of mind that their mission of sharing the light of Christ would continue to impact generations to come.”
Tim ShawSon of Jim and Doris Shaw
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