24/7 Prayer

24/7 Prayer Line
Hope and prayer—just a call away.
We’re here for you.

For over 40 years, we’ve answered more than 14 million calls from people just like you—seeking hope, comfort, and prayer. No matter what you're facing, you don’t have to go through it alone.

Call us anytime, from anywhere. We’re here for you.

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Online Prayer Requests

A Crossroads prayer partner would be pleased to pray for any special need you may be facing today. If you would like to submit a prayer request online, please fill out the form below and we will pray for your need.

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Mentors will guide, share their experience, provide resources, and help lead people to Jesus – at any time, anywhere around the world.

"For where two or three gather
in My name there I am with them."

Matthew 18:20

Fasting & Prayer for Canada: Seeking God in This Pivotal Moment

“He shall have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the earth.” – Psalm 72:8 Canada was founded on a vision of faith—one that declared God’s dominion over this land from coast to coast. Today, as we navigate cultural, political, and spiritual shifts, it is more important than…

Responding to Los Angeles Fires Crisis with Compassion and Hope

As wildfires devastate California, the Crossroads 24/7 Prayer Centre has emerged as a critical lifeline for those seeking solace, prayer, and spiritual support. This essential service allows individuals in crisis to connect with compassionate Prayer Partners who provide hope and encouragement during their darkest moments. “In times of crisis, faith knows no borders,” says Cheryl…

Bible Study Video Series And PDF Study Guide Downloads To Equip Your Church And Enrich Your Faith

Embark on a transformative journey through Scripture with Crossroads’ curated Bible study collection! Each series is thoughtfully crafted by experienced faith leaders to guide you through key themes, passages, and stories that enrich your spiritual walk. Whether you’re seeking to strengthen your personal devotion or lead a bible study group, these resources offer practical insights…

Crossroads Unveils ‘Anyone Pray’

An Innovative Prayer Line Platform for Churches, Ministries, and Other Kingdom-Minded Organizations By Fazal Kareem, Originally published in the Christian Herald One of the best-known Christian ministries in Canada is Crossroads Christian Communications, producers of the daily television program 100 Huntley Street. A key feature of 100 Huntley Street’s daily ministry has been its call-in…

Peace Be Still

The fierce COVID-19 storm, that is blowing across the globe has unsettled nations, spread panic, and economic disarray, and caused untold grief, and suffering for millions. Locked in mandated isolation, humanity is being tossed about by the next startling statistics on medianews feeds. It’s hard to not be swept overboard emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

Praying Through All Circumstances

The Crossroads’ Prayer team doesn’t just pray for people. We help everyone everywhere discover the life-changing work of God already active in their story through prayer. We are so honoured and humbled to serve God and you in this way.

Stories of Frontline Prayer Ministry

Melissa Pressley lives in the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brooklyn, NY. She hears the hopelessness, the fear and the great loss of people who have passed away. One of the ministers in her own church died from the virus.


What is faith? I have read these scriptures many times, and have heard numerous sermons preached on them, but today it was different. It was like I was reading it for the first time. Verse 16 says, “In addition to all of these, hold up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows of the devil.”

What I Learned From the Nova Scotia Shootings

From the night of April 18 to the morning of April 19, 2020, a lone gunman shot and killed 22 people in the small province of Nova Scotia. This became the largest ever massacre in Canada’s history.

Faith Over Fear

Carmen Louie is a COVID-19 frontline worker, serving as a cashier at Donald’s Market in East Vancouver, British Columbia. Like many grocery stores, safety measures have been put in place, and it’s changed the way she works. She protects herself by wearing a mask and gloves. And social distancing measures have moved long customer lines outside the store entrance.

Answer the call. Touch a life.

Become A Crossroads Prayer Partner

Crossroads' Prayer Partners provide over 1,300 prayer interactions daily, and the number is increasing.