A new season of calling for First Peoples Voices

June celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day, and I have been privileged to be part of an incredible journey across this beautiful land over the last eight years. It has been one of the most meaningful times in my life.

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Bringing Smiles to Indigenous Children: A Heartfelt Update

For years, I’ve journeyed across Canada, privileged to visit 63 Indigenous communities. Each visit has been a profound experience, filled with shared moments and heartfelt conversations. I’ve prayed with elders, Chiefs, and children alike, witnessing both joy and sorrow.

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Faithful Support: Bringing Joy to Indigenous Communities

As I sit down to write this update, I can’t help but marvel at the unpredictable weather we’ve been experiencing lately. Robins, cardinals, and blue jays flying around in February—it’s quite the sight! With temperatures swinging from a balmy plus 14 degrees in the morning to below freezing at night, one thing remains constant: our God, His unchanging love and faithfulness, regardless of the weather or circumstances around us.

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Join Us in Supporting Food Security for Birch Narrows/Turnor Lake Community

By Bev Hadland, Ambassador to the First Peoples Proverb 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he/she should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” This timeless wisdom underscores the importance of early education and its lasting impact. This understanding sheds light on why there was a government…

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Update from Crossroads Cares in Prince Albert, SK

In the last five years, Crossroads Cares, through First Peoples Voices, has quietly yet effectively made a difference in Prince Albert, SK. Our focus has been on bringing joy to children and adults who are unhoused, whether it’s through sending kids to camp, providing festive Christmas dinners, or gifting necessities and a bit of cheer.…

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Celebrate Indigenous History Month: Engage, Learn, and Support!

June is an important month as we celebrate Indigenous History and Culture. Here are three impactful ways you can get involved: Proverbs 24:32 reminds us of the importance of observing and learning from what we see, encouraging us to embrace these opportunities for growth. Birch Narrows/Turnor Lake in northern SK preserves culture, language, and traditional…

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