Crossroads Celebrates Canada with Prayer for the Nation and a Special week of programming: Huntley on the Road in Ottawa

A new season of calling for First Peoples Voices

By Bev Hadland, Crossroads Ambassador for the First Peoples

June celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day, and I have been privileged to be part of an incredible journey across this beautiful land over the last eight years. It has been one of the most meaningful times in my life. I come to you with both joy and sadness, having stood at life’s crossroads for the past year. You’re aware of my deep devotion to the work that God entrusted to me as a calling to serve His people, the First Peoples of this great land known as Canada. It has been a passion-driven calling that I cherished dearly.

My other calling is my marriage, which occurred late in my life, at the age of 58! Kaye has been God’s miracle to me. He has supported all of my many travels, including the RV trip across Canada with four other Indigenous women for 21 days during COVID-19 season.

Life took a drastic turn about 13 months ago when my husband began encountering a series of medical challenges without signs of improvement. It became apparent that God was calling me to make a choice. So, I am announcing my retirement as First Peoples Voices’ Ambassador. The Bible talks about “seasons” and how there is a season for everything. My next season is to be with my husband.

Thankfully, the Bible also talks about God ordering our steps, and when we commit to Him whatever we do, He will direct us and establish our plans. I will continue to share my wisdom, and insight, and be a support for First Peoples Voices moving forward while we seek the Lord’s direction and plans.

The wonderful news is that Crossroads’ commitment to the First Peoples of this land continues to be a driving force and passion. It started at the beginning of this ministry with David Mainse, and it continues to be foundational to our work moving forward under the leadership of Crossroads Cares Director Cheryl Weber.

I am so grateful to you for the many notes of encouragement, your prayers, and your faithful financial support enabling us to share the work of Truth and Reconciliation and minister hope and healing to our First Peoples.

Please continue to pray for First Peoples Voices as well as my husband’s health challenges and upcoming move as we downsize and relocate.

As a personal favour, I am asking you to make a one-time ‘seed gift’ to the future of First Peoples Voices. Please let Crossroads know how much you love the work that is being done not only globally, but for the very first peoples of this land.

Once again, thank you so much for ‘doing life’ with me and the First Peoples of Canada. I’m so encouraged to see the passion here at Crossroads to continue this work of healing and partnership across Canada. Please be sure to watch the June 21st episode of 100 Huntley Street and hear the incredible story of Harvey Satewas Gabriel from Kanesatake. Harvey recently finished translating the Bible into a full Mohawk translation. While translating, Satewas says he “learned that the character of God, the love of God, forgiveness from God, and the help that we can get from God is all in the Mohawk Bible.”

Numbers 6: 24-26 “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

Thank you with all my heart.