Uniting Canada Through Faith, Action, And Inspiring Stories
By Hannah Vanderkooy, 100 Huntley Street Writer

God is at work across our nation of Canada, transforming lives, families, and communities with the hope of Jesus, unifying Canadian Christians by the power of the Holy Spirit, and bringing biblical values that shape society. Day in and day out, 100 Huntley Street, ‘Canada’s Home for Hope,’ captures and shares stories that offer evidence of this undeniable truth.
This year, 100 Huntley Street has leaned into its legacy as the leading national voice in Canadian Christian media, speaking biblical truth and values into our culture from coast to coast. Our goal is to shape Canadian culture with a biblical worldview, positively impact the lives of Canadians, infuse our nation’s moral fabric with biblical principles, and unite followers of Jesus across denominational and partisan lines. Together, we aim to build God’s Kingdom of love, justice, peace, mercy, and truth here on earth.
Thanks to the support of our 100 Huntley Street family and partners like Deeks Insurance, we took 100 Huntley Street on the road to Ottawa and Alberta. We explored current national issues through a biblical lens, spoke with followers of Jesus in all levels of government and social services, and put a spotlight on the local church in action, interviewing people whose lives have been transformed by a personal relationship with Jesus.
Whether at home or on the road, we broadcast a daily show, sharing powerful testimonies of people who have committed their hearts to Jesus and are living out God’s calling to share the gospel in word, deed, and action.

In March 2024, Canada’s Medical Assistance in Dying legislation was set to expand and allow people with mental illness as their sole underlying condition to access assisted suicide. 100 Huntley Street spent the months leading up to this imminent expansion informing viewers, sharing life-affirming stories of those impacted by Medical Assistance in Dying, and asking viewers to call or write to their MPs and Senators to stop the assisted suicide laws from expanding.
100 Huntley Street shared those stories in an informative special 1-hour program in February 2024 that aired just one week prior to the government passing a law to delay expansions to Medical Assistance in Dying for three years. We are certain, as are many of the partners who worked with us on this special, such as the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada and the Christian Legal Fellowship, that our advocacy to protect your loved ones and neighbours from expansive MAID laws was key to stopping this law and saving thousands of lives across Canada in the coming years.
But our work is not done. We must continue to advocate against Medical Assistance in Dying as the laws could further encroach in three years and allow those with mental illness to be euthanized. Moreover, MAID continues to impact many vulnerable Canadians that we are called to protect and care for as followers of Jesus. Chantal Huinink, a woman living with cerebral palsy, feels like MAID is an attack on how society values her life. “The Bible indicates the two most important commandments are to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength, and to love others as ourselves. And I do not think that providing someone an avenue to die is the best thing that we can do to love them,” Chantal told 100 Huntley Street.

In response to the deepening cost-of-living crisis in Canada, 100 Huntley Street created a special 1-hour program with guest co-host Mayor Dan Carter of Oshawa, Ontario, to help us understand how many Canadians are living under financial strain and how this is impacting mental health, physical well-being, and family life in our nation. Our featured guests and ministries, such as Daily Bread Food Bank and Scott Mission, shared the dire need in Canada when it comes to housing and food, and how so many who are using their services are employed Canadians who just can’t make ends meet.
But there is hope! Our guest Angie Peters, President and CEO at Yonge Street Mission in Toronto, Ontario, and author of “Just Act: We are the Solution to Poverty,” says we can end generational poverty by believing in others and finding innovative ways to help people in need.

This program had an incredible impact on viewers, people just like Kyla who wrote in: “Thank you for doing your Unaffordable special. My husband and I have four kids and work full time and we have never been able to afford a house in Canada. We are considering moving to another country if things don’t change and we need you to keep drawing attention to this issue.”
100 Huntley Street took to Ottawa to interview politicians, leaders, and people making decisions that help shape our country. While in Ottawa, Lara Watson and Crossroads and YES TV CEO Kevin Shepherd partook in the most-attended National Prayer Breakfast in history, an event that centers around praying for our leaders and for unity in our nation. 100 Huntley Street captured 11 interviews, including National Chief Cindy Woodhouse, leader of the Assembly of First Nations, Senator Yonah Martin, the first Korean-Canadian parliamentarian, and several Members of Parliament whose faith influences the work they do in actionable laws that foster the protection of life for the preborn, advocacy for those with disabilities and mental illness, and safety and justice for those who are at risk for human trafficking and online exploitation. The team also visited local ministries that help people experiencing homelessness and addiction. They toured Parliament Hill, highlighting the meanings of some of the more than 25 Bible verses that are embedded in Parliament’s Peace Tower. Our conversations were full of God’s truth, love, justice, and mercy!
100 Huntley Street captured stories across Alberta in June 2024 with stops in Edmonton and Calgary to feature the faith of Western Canadians, the beauty of the land, and the hearts of the people. Lara Watson and Kevin Shepherd met with people who have had life-changing encounters with Jesus and highlighted the strength and witness of local churches, like Beulah Alliance Church, and showcased the impact of outreach ministries as they share Jesus with others practically and spiritually.

Former CFL player Orlando Bowen, who guest-hosted 100 Huntley Street, faced immense challenges after being assaulted by police officers and wrongfully accused. Despite these hardships, he forgave his attackers and continues his mission to give back to the community, inspired by his faith and commitment to God’s work.
Tionna, who once rebelled against God and her family, found herself pregnant and estranged from her loved ones. After deciding against abortion following a timely call from her aunt, she found support at Shifra House. Now, Tionna helps other young mothers and prays for her son, Elijah, to grow up in faith.

Anu George Canjanathoppil, CEO of International Justice Mission, grew up in South Asia where her Christian faith was persecuted. After being paralyzed by an attack, she felt God’s call to leave her corporate career and fight against slavery. Today, she sees God’s presence in the lives of those they rescue.

The Verhulst Family shared who Jesus is to them both individually and as a family, reflecting on their 41-year journey with Kyle, whose birth with Down Syndrome brought immense joy and challenges, transforming their lives and deepening their faith as they embraced the blessings and uncertainties of raising a child living with a disability.
For over 47 years, 100 Huntley Street has illuminated the ways God is at work in Canada, helping to build His kingdom in the hearts and lives of Canadians and people worldwide. Thanks to partners like you, we can continue this mission of sharing the life-changing hope of Jesus and bringing biblical principles of love, justice, mercy, and peace to life in Canadian culture and society. God is on the move across our nation, and together, we are moving with Him, as He transforms communities and families, unifies believers to do His work together, and redeems society. Thank you for journeying with us as we follow God’s leading and take part in all that He is doing in the hearts and lives of all people in our nation and across the world.
Watch 100 Huntley Street weekdays at 9am/pm ET/MT on YES TV and the YES TV app. For the full schedule or to support us, visit 100huntley.com.