Uganda Update – May 2023
In Canada we take for granted that we can easily turn on a tap for our water. This is not the case in Uganda. For many rural communities who don’t have access to a well, their water is likely coming from an unsafe source and is filled with parasites. It is also children and women who are responsible for gathering the water and may have to walk up to 3 kms to get it.
Clean, accessible water is critical to human health and Crossroads Cares is committed to providing drinkable water for families in rural northern communities.
Exciting things are happening in Uganda and Crossroads Cares is thrilled to be a part of it.
In September 2022, Cheryl Weber, Director of Crossroads Cares and 100 Huntley Street Co-host, visited Uganda and witnessed firsthand the drilling of a new well.
With tears in her eyes, she felt the joy and excitement of the people surrounding her who were going to be drinking clean water for the first time in their lives! Water that wasn’t contaminated or needed to be boiled first. Water that wasn’t going to cause stomach aches and bloating.
Singing and dancing alongside them, covered in mud, Cheryl experienced a life transforming moment, thanks to compassionate donors living halfway around the world.
Since Cheryl’s visit in September, Crossroads Cares faithful supporters have funded 8 refurbished or drilled wells, impacting 10,379 people in 8 communities!
And if anyone gives
even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.
Matthew 10:12
1 in 10 people globally lack access to clean drinking water.
Uganda is in the top 10 countries of the world without clean water.
Up to 80% of illnesses in the developing world are linked to inadequate water and sanitation.
Help save lives in Uganda by partnering with Crossroads Cares.
Your prayers and support can make a life-changing impact. Join us today!
1-800-265-3100 | CROSSROADS.CA/CARES