Crossroads Cares

How Clean Water Changes Everything: Stories from Uganda

March 22, 2025

Dear Friend,Today, I want to speak with you about something very close to my heart, something we take for granted – something as essential as the air we breathe, yet millions around the world are denied access to it. That something is clean water. Imagine waking in the morning just as the sun is rising, getting dressed,…

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Zion Church Expands

August 14, 2019

Lorna Dueck, CEO of Crossroads, recently visited Pastor Roshan and saw first-hand the damage that was inflicted not only on the land but more importantly on people’s hearts and minds. Pastor Roshan’s vision for his people and community is to “connect the disconnected to the reality of life in Christ.” The mission is a mandate to bring the tangible love of God to everyone at their point of need.

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