March Praise Report
Thanks to a partner like you, we get to hear amazing stories, like the ones shared below. Crossroads will be sharing praise reports each month to show how God has been working through the many programs you support.
A Prayer Centre line individual wrote and left an email: ” I’d just like to thank whoever is on the other side of the screen. Maybe it’s a team, an organization, or a small group. Whatever Crossroads is, thank you for existing. The last time I needed prayer, I tearfully went on a blind search online for some form of support, and I stumbled across you guys! I received affirmation that prayers are being prayed, and the situation I was stuck in got resolved without any major problems! So, this time, instead of asking for a prayer for myself or something else, I’d like to request prayer for you guys for your success, prosperity, or blessings, and grace. You guys gave me comfort in a critical moment when I honestly needed it. So, thank you again. My love and support are with you all!” – John
A viewer watching Living with Depression, Bipolar Disorder as a Christian on 100 Huntley Street‘s YouTube Channel: “Thank you for sharing this and helping to break the stigmas around depression and other mental illnesses. Many family members of mine have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (where depression is the most prevalent symptom) and have needed medication for severe depression, even though they are followers of Jesus Christ.”
First Peoples Voices’ prayer rally on March 12 led by Crystal Lavallee and the team experienced a visitation from God’s Holy Spirit.
Truly a night of love, unity, and healing. Way to go, God! Way to go, Crystal!
Way to go, Team Crossroads! 53 guests were on ZOOM while 27 individuals watched live on Facebook. 2988 were reached on Facebook with 796 engagements, 71 shares, and 181 comments.
We at Crossroads, First People Voices, will be following up with all participants. Thanks for your prayers. – Beverly H.

Crossroads Cares is excited the reservoir tanks in Uganda have been replaced.
Thanks to a notable donor, two new tanks provide clean drinking water to over 320 students and staff, along with irrigation for the school garden. The garden offers training for students and fresh vegetables for the school feeding program.
Each tank weighs 575 lbs and will hold 10 thousand litres of water. It takes a team effort to get them installed when you don’t have a crane! – Kelly N.

A message on See Hear Love’s website in response to the show on infertility: “Hello, I am a Christian school teacher who just turned 42 and stumbled upon your show. I was meant to see it. It was divinely aligned from above. I have been trying to get pregnant with my first child for a year now, and I am worried my time is running out. We’ve been to fertility treatments, and I will continue with various procedures. My family has been praying for me, and I feel it is my maternal instinct to be a Mom. I love kids as I spend my days teaching them. Thank you for sharing this important and sensitive topic. It needs to be heard.” – Laura*
Your show tonight on Context Beyond the Headlines about Climate Change was EXCELLENT! I LOVE God’s creations, and every day I tell him so when I go out into HIS masterpieces of Nature. His creations are AWESOME, and we HAVE to protect them! Your guests were good also, especially the guy from AROCHA. I hope we see more of him. Thank You. – Nicole K.