June Praise Report
Thanks to partners like you, we get to hear amazing stories all the time, like the ones shared below. Crossroads would like to share some of the praise reports, each month, to show how God has been working through the many programs your financial blessing supports.
Prayer Centre
Lois emailed [email protected] to request prayer for her daughter in law Natalie, who was diagnosed with a large type B non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma cell. She followed up with joy when the doctor told Natalie that she is 100% cured and no further treatment is required. Praise the Lord!
100 Huntley Street
A viewer watching New Age to Christianity: Guru encounters Jesus & quits New Age on the 100 Huntley Street YouTube Channel: “I thank you from all my heart for sharing your amazing story with us. I went through a similar situation myself and I kept on holding on to the Almighty Lord and our Savior Jesus Christ, and in the process, I lost all my friends and most of my family members. Praise be to God. I know now that all I need is God and Jesus to be saved.” – Gavin
Reach Magazine
“Thank you, Crossroads, for Reach Magazine. I was looking for an Easter devotional and it lifted my spirit. Every Blessing.” – Pamela
“Thank you, Sharon, for sharing this heart-touching true story. It did touch my heart too! At such pain, suffering, and humiliation came our redemption! Thank you, Jesus.” – Nora