January Praise Report
Thanks to partners like you, we get to hear amazing stories all the time, like the ones shared below. Crossroads would like to share some of the praise reports each month to show how God has been working through the many programs you support.
A beautiful note of encouragement and testimony from a 100 Huntley Street supporter: “As you know I pray for you guys every day and pray for your programs. Something happened today that in our lives is a miracle. My wife taught school for 25 years, and part of her Ministry is keeping in touch with the teachers she worked with. One teacher has been going through a really bad situation in her life, and this week my wife challenged this girl to watch 100 Huntley Street. Until today, she refused, and for whatever reason, when this girl turned on her TV this morning, it came on YES TV, and it was the intro of 100 Huntley Street. As she told my wife, “I just could not stop listening and watching. I was so impacted by this program.” If I can share, we have tried for many years to get this person to look at Christ and to be honest; it was a major struggle. Thank you for your program today. I know it impacted at least this girl in a special way. Praying for you guys.” – Bob J.
“I’m a long time Crossroads supporter and just finished the Advent Devotional this morning. I want you to know how much I enjoyed and learned by doing the devotions each day. They were all excellent and made me feel more familiar with your staff and closer to my saviour.
I commend Crossroads for this excellent resource; I even made the Sugar Cookies with my granddaughter. Bravo! Keep up the good programming and resources.” – Linda
A letter from a partner who donates to Crossroads’ Castle streaming platform: “Dear Crossroads, the wisdom of your digital ways is really coming to light in these difficult times. I’m really enjoying intothecastle.com. Blessing to you all!” – Susanne L.
Ann from Western Canada began calling the Prayer Line a few weeks ago to request prayer for her 20-year-old granddaughter, who was hospitalized twice with COVID19. The family was anxious, concerned, and with very little hope, but Ann kept calling for prayers. Last night she called back, praising the Lord because her granddaughter is now home from the hospital and recovering well; praise God! Ann wanted to thank Crossroads 24/7 Prayer Line staff & volunteers for faithfully praying with her and supporting the family with much-needed encouragement during these difficult times!
A Facebook Message left for See Hear Love‘s program about Grief & Lament: “Hi Melissa; I want to thank you for sharing the link to the program on grieving in different ways in life; I cried while watching the show to see how many women are suffering and grieving the same way I have; this 2020 has to be the most painful time in my life, losing my two brothers from Covid in just five months apart, I identified with Sherryl I think is her name that she lost four people in her life and I have felt like her. Some days I feel I’m drowning, but in those moments, I cry out to God to help me not to stay in the ground but to get up and keep going and like this passage on Psalm 73:26-28 say, ” My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart; and my portion forever. I continue to serve Him and encourage other women that are going through similar experiences as mine. The Lord is good that He gives me the strength to minister to other women and understand their pain and sorrow; I just want to thank you for your wonderful work in that Ministry. Blessings to everyone that is being a channel to get to those in Spiritual need, hugs for you.”
Victoria R. commented on Hey Meisha’s Sunday School Series video Daniel In The Lions Den – For Kids. “As a teacher, I look for story presentations that will hold the students’ interest. There are many retellings of Daniels’ courage, but this version is splendid! It uses fast action so that children’s attention will not be strained. You have stayed true to the actual Bible account in Daniel 6, but you’ve added a contemporary flavor without straying from the facts. Your characters can relate to children of all backgrounds because of their diversity, but most of all because of the respect they show to each other in making this video come to life. I love this new discovery! Thank you for your devotion and diligence. May God bless you with his faithfulness, kindness, mercy, grace, and love.” – Victoria R.
A message on Twitter about Context‘s program on mental health: “Thank you @maggsjohn for talking about mental health on Context. It helped encourage me as a fellow battler! #Sicknotweak #BellLetsTalk” – Darrel S.
Berens River First Nation in Manitoba signed up for Crossroads’ First Peoples COVID Christmas Campaign. Crossroads shipped items that were distributed to the neediest in time for Christmas. One family reached out directly to us through the email below. “My name is Jarrett of Berens River MB. I would like to thank you for your generous gift box I received. I have a beautiful son name Kaiden, age six; his heart is also to give. God Bless You!”
Again, we are thankful for your faithful support as you help bring the life-changing message and the joy of Jesus to our world through this new day, new way, and new hope.