How Clean Water Changes Everything: Stories from Uganda
Dear Friend,
Today, I want to speak with you about something very close to my heart, something we take for granted – something as essential as the air we breathe, yet millions around the world are denied access to it. That something is clean water.
Imagine waking in the morning just as the sun is rising, getting dressed, grabbing the big yellow container and then beginning the trek to get the water you are going to need that day. You could be walking up to 3 kms. The walk there is faster because the jug(s) are empty, but the long walk back will be slower because of the additional 20-40 lbs you are carrying.
Once home, you must boil the water because if you don’t, you will be guaranteed it has parasites, diseases, and harmful contaminants endangering the health of your family. The sad reality is that they will still end up sick at some point because it’s not a safe water source.

The absence of clean water ripples through every aspect of life-affecting health, education, and economic opportunities. Children miss school because they are sick with parasites or busy getting the water. Parents can’t work due to illness or grow enough food to support their families because of the time spent gathering water, and the vicious cycle of poverty is compounded.
March 22 is World Water Day. As you go about your day, think about the number of times you reach for the tap and safe drinking water is readily accessible to you. An unlimited source of water.
Crossroads Cares is excited to share that with the support of compassionate individuals like yourself, together, we are making a difference. Through the refurbishment of existing wells and the drilling of new ones, we can give access to the thousands of people in Uganda who are desperately waiting.

💧 Clean Water Changes Everything 💧
Right now, thousands in Uganda still lack access to safe drinking water—but we are changing that. Crossroads Cares has already drilled and refurbished 256 wells, impacting 253,383 people. Each well provides safe drinking water for up to 1,000 people. Our 2025 Goal: 20 Wells
- Wells Opened So Far: 13
- Cost Per Well: $6,500 (new) | $3,500 (refurbished)
How You Can Help:
- $25 provides clean water for 7 people
- $100 helps 28 people
- Every gift brings hope and health.
We need 7 more wells this year. Will you help us make it happen?
Your gift, no matter the size, will ensure clean water becomes a reality for families in need. Together, we can create a world where clean water is not a luxury, but a basic human right.Many hands make the load lighter, so we are kindly asking that you share this with family and friends. Let them know about World Water Day and the change they can help be a part of. Thank you for considering this life-giving cause. Your support means everything to us and to the families we serve. www.crossroads.ca/cleanwater
With deep gratitude and hope,