A Life Devoted to Prayer
By Jordan Berta
Prayer Ministry Representative Team Leader & Staff Writer
Crossroads Prayer Centre provides 1,300 prayer interactions daily, and this is made possible because of our faithful volunteer Prayer Partners. When we discovered Theresa C. was our most generous volunteer last year, serving nearly 800 hours, we knew we wanted to inspire others with her story!
Theresa C. watched 100 Huntley Street twelve years ago and discovered the need for new Prayer Partners. Theresa said, “When I heard this invitation, my heart started pounding, and I was in tears.” She shared this experience with a friend who encouraged her to apply. Once accepted, she followed through with Crossroads’ professional training program and began answering prayer calls.
Today, Theresa is a passionate team member, serving on the prayer lines nearly 800 hours last year-that’s an average of two hours per day! In addition to her scheduled shifts, Theresa shared that she logs in and answers prayer calls whenever she feels led by the Lord to pray for people. Her heart’s desire is to see people accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour, and walk in the freedom that Jesus offers.
Each time she begins a call, she asks the Lord to guide her in encouraging each caller with prayer and scripture. Theresa has a deep passion for praying God’s will for her callers using the Word of God and believing in His loving power. While we cannot solve everyone’s problems, we can introduce them to the One who can. She also shared how being on the prayer lines has helped her to grow in her study of scripture, as the conversations on the phone will lead her to research a new area of God’s Word after her shift.
One day, Crystal* called the prayer line, and Theresa answered the call. *Crystal had a lot of questions, and Theresa simply asked God to help her pray for this caller. At the end of the prayer, the caller said she felt an extraordinary peace in her heart during the prayer time.
Theresa encourages anyone considering becoming a volunteer Prayer Partner to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit, as you may be moved like she was, to join the Crossroads’ prayer team. If you have a heart for prayer and personal ministry, if you feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit to volunteer, go to crossroads.ca/prayervolunteer for more information and to access the volunteer application form.
We are grateful for our faithful volunteers like Theresa and look forward to seeing how God will inspire others to join His work at Crossroads through prayer.