Leading, Serving, and Belonging

See Hear Love’s International Women’s Day event, hosted by Melinda Estabrooks, brought together Christian women leaders to celebrate unity, service, innovation, and belonging. Below are some key takeaways from this dynamic gathering:

  1. WE ARE CALLED AND CHOSEN: As Christ-followers, we are not imposters in the spaces we dream of occupying. Rather, we are called and chosen by a higher purpose, urging us to step into our roles with confidence and purpose.
    • Dorothy Pang, Interim Director, Tyndale Intercultural Ministries Centre
  2. EVEN IN OUR TOUGHEST CHAPTERS, WE ARE NOT ALONE: With faith as our anchor, we can weather any storm, knowing that our story ends in victory.
    • Sue Wigston, CEO, Givesome
  3. STAY TRUE TO YOUR VALUES DURING CRISES: Hold fast to your core beliefs and trust in a sovereign God who guides us through every challenge.
    • Caroline Riseboro, President & CEO, Trillium Health Partners Foundation
  4. LIVE AUTHENTICALLY AND COMMUNE WITH GOD DAILY: Show up as your true self and engage deeply with others.
    • Allison Alley, President & CEO, Compassion Canada
  5. TALENTS ARE DIVINE GIFTS: Bezalel was a master artisan chosen by God (Exodus 31:1-5), reminding us that our talents are divine gifts meant to be embraced and shared with the world.
    • Ellen Graf-Martin, President & Chief Marketing Strategist, Graf–Martin Communications
  6. SEEK MENTORSHIP: The idea that leadership is reserved for extroverts is a myth. Embrace your unique traits as strengths and keep seeking until you find a suitable mentor.
    • Michelle Pommells, Chief Strategy & Development Officer, Crossroads & YES TV
  7. THERE IS POWER IN SAYING “NO”: Protect your priorities and nurture your well-being.
    • Alana Walker Carpenter, CEO of Intriciti
  8. EMBRACE CRITICISM WITH RESILIENCE: Recognize that criticism refines rather than defines us.
    • Stacey Campbell, President & CEO, Prison Fellowship Canada
  9. OUR ROLES ARE TEMPORARY GIFTS: Leadership stewardship is a temporary gift to be managed wisely.
    • Dr. Marjory Kerr, President & Vice Chancellor, Tyndale University
  10. CHAMPION INNOVATION: Leaders need to create spaces where every voice is valued and empowered.
    • Angie Peters, President & CEO, Yonge Street Mission
  11. INCLUSIVE BELONGING: Consider the importance of inclusivity and belonging, especially for those with disabilities.
    • Jasmine Duckworth, Community Development Manager, Karis Disability Services
  12. HOLD FAST TO YOUR PURPOSE: In the face of adversity, knowing your purpose will anchor you through life’s storms.
    • Melissa McEachern, Chief Operating & Content Officer, Crossroads & YES TV
  13. APPROACH LEADERSHIP WITH INTENTIONALITY AND CURIOSITY: Embrace opportunities for growth and learning.
    • Melinda Estabrooks, Host & Executive Producer, See Hear Love
  14. ANCHOR YOURSELF IN GOD’S TRUTH: Living by God’s truth frees you from the weight of others’ opinions.
    • Cheryl Weber, Director, Crossroads Cares; Co-Host, 100 Huntley Street
  15. FOSTER SISTERHOOD: In uncertain times, embrace the power of sisterhood and collective wisdom to help chart your course forward.
    • Lara Watson, Executive Producer & Host, 100 Huntley Street

To you, a leader—whether in the corporate world, ministry, or your own home—remember that you are called and chosen for a higher purpose. Let your leadership reflect your faith, staying anchored in Jesus, confident that you are truly seen, heard, and valued.

See Hear Love, produced by Crossroads, broadcasts Mondays at 9:30am/pm on YES TV and the YES TV APP. Join the See Hear Love community and become a monthly member at seehearlove.com.