Zion Church Expands
Resurrection Sunday, April 21st, 2019 began as a day of celebration for millions around the world. However, joy (soon) turned to sorrow as reports flooded in about bombings in Sri Lanka that killed 259 people and injured close to 500.
Of those killed and injured were members of the Zion Church where Pastor Roshan has been making sure the families who lost loved ones are being cared for and ministered to. Fear and trauma have affected many from the church and they are not wanting to go back to the place where they re-live the events of that horrific day.
Lorna Dueck, CEO of Crossroads, recently visited Pastor Roshan and saw first-hand the damage that was inflicted not only on the land but more importantly on people’s hearts and minds. Pastor Roshan’s vision for his people and community is to “connect the disconnected to the reality of life in Christ.” The mission is a mandate to bring the tangible love of God to everyone at their point of need.
The government has stepped in to help rebuild the existing building however Pastor Roshan has shared that the building is too small due to changes and regulations. As a result, he is asking for help in building a new church on a different location that will enable them to expand their outreach into the community and also help the traumatized families settle into a new “home” they can worship in.
Pastor Roshan’s goal is to impact people through tutoring programs, entrepreneurial training, English classes, workshops, children’s programs and worship services. He wants to bring people in and share the life changing message of Christ and he believes the new building is the tool to help them accomplish this. Many people are coming from all over Sri Lanka to attend his services.
Please consider helping Pastor Roshan’s vision of expanding Zion.