Stories of Frontline Prayer Ministry
Melissa Pressley lives in the epicentre of the COVID-19 pandemic in Brooklyn, NY. She hears the hopelessness, the fear and the great loss of people who have passed away. One of the ministers in her own church died from the virus. Melissa had previously lost everything she had when she found Crossroads’ Prayer Line number. The ministry she received over the phone was lifegiving for her, so much so that she wanted to give back. She has volunteered as a Crossroads Prayer Partner now for four years and is serving on the frontlines of personal ministry. Melissa answered the call from a woman who had become ill and whose husband was in the hospital because of the virus. They prayed together believing that God is greater than the coronavirus.
- Ken called our prayer lines feeling overwhelmed with the state of the world. He talked about the tragic shooting in Nova Scotia, Canada that resulted in 23 deaths by a man dressed as a police officer. Carol, our Prayer Partner, was able to remind him that when the world gets darker, the Lord will shine brighter and through his people; helping him to find some sense in what is happening in the world. He said that anytime he calls this line he feels better and thanked us for being there.
- Leonard, a Crossroads Prayer Partner, was working an overnight shift in April where he saw nine calls come in from family members of Nova Scotians, fearful in the unknown of their loved one’s safety. Prayers of protection provided God’s peace in a time of chaos and fear.
- A prayer caller gave an update on her mother who had a tumor. Having received prayer ministry previously, she called to report the praise to God that the tumor has shrunk!
- A woman called to tell us that a year ago she was on the street and had no job. She expressed thanks for the prayer line ministry because we were there for her. She was calling again with a praise report to let us know that God has since provided not only a job, but a promotion in that job. She now has a place to stay and just made a final payment on the last of her debt!