Praying Through All Circumstances
Little did I know that a room size of 39 x 25 would have such an impact on me when I joined Crossroads as their new CEO. How could one small space bring so much love, joy, peace and faith to people worldwide?
Perhaps the answer is found in Matthew 14:15-20? The disciples questioned Jesus how five loaves of bread and two fish could feed over five thousand men, besides women and children. Jesus demonstrated that he does so much with so little.
As a part of my orientation to Crossroads’ ministries, I learned about our prayer center, where thousands of people are supported and cared for through prayer 24 hours a day, seven days a week. From a small crew of staff members and with a volunteer partners team, individuals like you and I can reach out in our time of need to talk to a live Crossroads prayer partner.
What is striking to me is how personal and purposeful each Prayer partner is with each caller. The team listened intently to each person, answered questions, provide resources and give meaningful pastoral care. Each call also includes prayer, scripture, and genuine kindness that speaks to each person’s heart and need.
Covid–19 has brought increased cries for support with mental health, broken relationships, financial crisis, lost jobs, and depression. From the exhaustion of online meetings, teaching children at home while trying to work, isolation, loss of family members with limited opportunity for even family members to be present, the list of burdens is long. Yet, as Jesus commanded in Matthew 14, don’t send them away, bring them to me, and I will provide for them in a real and powerful way. Each day Crossroads sees the privilege, responsibility and opportunity in this call from Christ.
Here is a caller story that shares how the cry for help brought peace and joy to their situation.
A gruff man calls in late one night! Recently, a gentleman watched 100 Huntley Street and saw the Prayer Line number scrolling, so he decided to call in, knowing nothing of the Lord. When the Prayer Partner asked why he called in, he gruffly said: “It was the only positive thing that I saw on TV, and they said to call that number!” Did he know Jesus? “No!” Did he want prayer? “OK,” he said. The Prayer Partner felt led to share one of the Crossroads resources, “Model Prayers,” that can be used to pray for a friend or loved one for their salvation.
When the prayer was over, the caller said “Good-bye,” and the Prayer Partner went to hang up, but then she realized that the caller was still on the line, trying to disconnect the call and for some strange reason couldn’t! “How do I hang up this thing?” he asked. The Prayer Partner discerned that the ‘delay’ was a God-prepared moment, so he asked him if he wanted to pray the prayer of salvation himself and ask Jesus into his life! “What have I got to lose!” he responded… “And everything to gain,” she wisely replied! The Prayer Partner then led him through a prayer of repentance and sensed the Holy Spirit was doing a profound work in this caller’s life, so after the prayer, she asked how he felt now. He simply said: “Much better!” and thanked her for the prayer! Our pastoral team is currently following him up to encourage him on his spiritual growth journey with Jesus! (We will interchange the stories as we have several.)
The Crossroads’ Prayer team doesn’t just pray for people. We help everyone everywhere discover the life-changing work of God already active in their story through prayer. We are so honoured and humbled to serve God and you in this way.
Anyone can reach our prayer lines 24/7 at 1-866-273-4444 or crossroads.ca/247prayer.
Grace and Peace,
Kevin Shepherd
Crossroads and YES TV