Miracle in Thailand?
12 Thai boys and their 25-year-old soccer coach SAVED from deep within a cave
Crossroads Celebrates National Indigenous Peoples Day with 100 Huntley Street on location at Crawford Lake12 Thai boys and their 25-year-old soccer coach SAVED from deep within a cave
“We are not sure if this is a miracle, a science, or what” – Thai Navy SEALS posted on their Facebook page after they say they achieved a “mission impossible,” this week.
“I dare suggest that this is supernatural because it surely is not natural; and so, I must close by saying, “Thank God for answering many millions of prayers.” ~Neel Roberts, Thai Christian Missionary – living in Thailand three KMs away from cave.
After 18 days, 12 Thai boys and their young coach have all been rescued from the 10-kilometre Tham Luang cave in the Doi Nang Non mountain range.
The world watched daily as rescue teams worked night and day to get the boys out safely.
Thai Navy SEALS, along with Australian divers, performed the miracle rescue, and the 12 players all got crash courses in diving that saved their lives.
Rescue crews were hurried out after the last boy was pulled to safety as the water pumps keeping the flooding at bay, began to fail.
“…there were religious ceremonies throughout the country on behalf of the football team and the rescue team. That element was considered just as essential as all the others. If any of those elements were missing – well, we don’t even wish to imagine that scenario.” ~Neel Roberts, Thai Christian Missionary.
Lorna Dueck speaks with Neel Roberts who is on the ground:
Neel took a photo of the mountain, in which the cave is located, on a morning stroll last month. At that time, he never thought this beautiful spot he and his wife call home would become so famous.
Lorna Dueck: Hello Neel — thanks for giving us a local perspective on this story that has inspired the world. We’ve learned something of bravery and spiritual strengths in watching this rescue. What can you tell us about the spiritual side of boys surviving 18 days in a dangerous cave?
Neel Roberts: Most of the youth in our Shan Migrant Children’s program knew some of them, although I didn’t them personally.