Loneliness Redeemed
“God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing”
Psalms 68:6 (NIV)
God is our heavenly Father, and promises, “never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5). When we come to Him in faith, He rescues us from our soul’s prison of spiritual “alone-ness” and welcomes us into His family. As new-born sons and daughters, we join with believers globally who experience true family with Jesus. Wow, what an amazing grace that erases the heart’s loneliness forever!
Over the past few months, hundreds have experienced true family for the first time through the ministry of 100 Huntley Street and the Crossroads Prayer Centre. Let me share some of these stories.
Late one afternoon, a single mom who had been watching 100 Huntley Street, drove for an hour to the Crossroads Centre in Burlington. Imprisoned by discouraging circumstances, this woman drove to the one place that she knew could offer help. After the Gospel was shared by one of our staff, she opened her heart and accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Saviour! Our follow-up pastor helped her find a good local church and mailed out a Bible for her. Welcome to the family!
An elderly senior who had just lost his wife, called the Prayer Lines for the first time, confessing that he had lived a selfish and destructive life, in bondage to alcohol. But now that his wife was gone, he was so lonely that he had contemplated suicide. She had been a believer and he wanted to see her again, so his heart was open to the truth of the Gospel message and the hope of eternity, through faith in Christ Jesus. He readily committed his life to the Lord and rejoiced knowing he would now see her in heaven! Welcome to the family!
It was the middle of the night, when a call came from a distraught gentleman who was by the side of his terminally ill mother in a palliative care hospice. Like the prodigal son, he had wandered far from God and didn’t know how to comfort his dying mom… she was a Christian, but was very restless and without peace. The Prayer Partner asked if she was concerned for her son’s soul and spiritual condition? Could it be that she wanted him to fully commit his life to Jesus? In this tender moment, God’s Spirit touched the caller’s heart and, while his mother listened in, he prayed to make things right with his heavenly Father, filling the room with the peace of Christ! Welcome to the family!
It was just after midnight when an urgent call came through from a man in the States who was driving his car, contemplating getting stoned and then committing suicide, because his wife had just left him. At the very moment he had those thoughts, he heard a voice that said, “no, don’t do that! Find a Prayer Line and call it now!” He immediately pulled into a parking lot, did a search on his iPhone and the Prayer Centre’s Toll-Free number was the first one he saw. He called our number and said to the Prayer Partner, “I want to be saved!” After the Gospel was shared, he invited Jesus into his life and was looking forward to a call back from Pastor Neil to help him find a church. Welcome to the family!
We are grateful that we’re family! Because of your prayer and financial support we can be here 24/7 so that those who are lonely, searching and in need of comfort can call the Prayer Lines.
By Gloria Willoughby
Manager, Crossroads Prayer Centre