Answering the Call: Bringing Light to First Peoples
By Bev Hadland
One of the most rewarding aspects of my role at Crossroads, besides the incredible people I get to meet, is the remarkable diversity of experiences it brings. I can truly say that my job is anything but boring!
Ephesians 6:12 reminds us that our struggles go far beyond the physical world, delving into the spiritual realm. Recently, I had the privilege of visiting Blueberry River First Nation and Moberley Lake. Our mission was to bring light to communities grappling with darkness. Accompanying me was Rebecca Jean Cowboy from Waskaganish, QC, a dedicated Cree Intercessor with deep insight into spiritual warfare and battling the forces of evil in the spiritual realm on behalf of First Peoples. We were also joined by a group of Indigenous women from Blueberry River and Moberley Lake, ready to engage in the spiritual battle through prayer.
Blueberry River, with a population of 197 residents on the reserve, and Moberley Lake, with 297 residents, both have Christian communities of less than 5%. Together, we encouraged and provided guidance to this small group of Christ followers, teaching them to pray as Jesus did, to love like Jesus, and to walk in the authority of Jesus as instructed in Luke 10:19. The few Christians living in Moberley Lake expressed feeling under constant attack from the dark spiritual world, living in fear instead of love and victory. We shared with them the significance of putting on the full Armour of God, as described in Ephesians 6:10-18. Anything less wouldn’t be sufficient.
Throughout our visit, we shared meals with the families we met in these communities. We dedicated time to listen, offer love, and then join in prayer. We taught them how to pray using scriptures, make declarations of God’s promises for their reserves and intercede for their leaders. Together, we engaged in repentance prayers, prayers for healing, deliverance, and prayers for victory. In a significant development, the new Chief, Judy Desjarlais, permitted us to gather in the band office and pray throughout the building, indicating that God’s work is underway.
I want to emphasize that all these courageous Christians are seeking is prayer and relationships. They’ve never asked for anything else. They reached out to Crossroads, along with 12 other ministries, for prayer. It was our prayer department that connected me with their request, and I’m proud to say that First Peoples Voices answered their call, and sad to learn that we were the only ones. We are their beacon of hope.
As we pray for the peace of Jerusalem, let us also remember to pray for the peace of the First Peoples in this great land. Please know that your prayers are instrumental in breaking strongholds and spreading the love of Jesus. I couldn’t have visited these communities without your invaluable financial support, and for that, I extend my heartfelt gratitude.

Inez, Sandra, May, Rebecca and Bev. The Blueberry Prayer Team.

Sandra, Rebecca, Della and Bev. Moberly Lake Prayer Team.
Together, we are making a real difference in the lives of these precious communities. Your compassion and commitment are deeply appreciated.