From Caller To Calling
When Melissa Pressley resigned from the NYC Law Department, it wouldn’t be long until she would lose every material asset she owned, including her income, pensions, and life savings.
Leading up to her resignation, Melissa was overcome with feelings of frustration, and disillusionment. “I believed in God, but I placed a great deal of emphasis on my managers, job, and career. I had been committed to a life trying to please and be approved by my bosses to get ahead. I had perfect credit, great health coverage, and two pensions, but lost these after I resigned. Some thought I would never practice law in NYC again.”
Upended is not the end
Although her material wealth had evaporated, her faith had not. Melissa knew there was still hope in prayer. Prompted to seek spiritual intercession, she googled prayer lines and found Crossroads — the only ministry that consistently offered 24/7 human-to-human prayer. The ministering she received over the phone that night, turned her into a frequent caller. The spiritual, emotional, and mental health benefit of hearing a Prayer Partner speak hope into her situation replenished her spirit and helped her through this period of loss.
It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing.
The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.
John 6:63
Melissa Pressley experienced the gift of having a responsive Prayer Partner listen to her in times of crisis, and wanted to share this gift with others. She vowed to return the blessing and become a Prayer Partner when the day would come that she would get back on her feet.
A promise fulfilled
For the past four years, Melissa has been our offsite Prayer Partner answering calls from her home in Brooklyn, New York, helping people across the continent find and hold on to hope through Crossroads prayer line. “The 24/7 makes it easy for me to volunteer at a convenient time based on my schedule. I also produce and host my talk show on New York’s top Christian radio station, WMCA, and promote Crossroads Prayer Lines to my listeners in need of individual prayer.”
Melissa represents the life transformation that happens when we allow Christ into our lives and lead the way. Although she still has struggles, she recalls feeling more liberated than she ever felt before letting God take the lead in her life.
“Now, I focus more on God, and I have more peace within than before. Ironically, the experience brought me closer to God, as I could not have survived without reaching for something above this society, my city, and my career. I am more comfortable financially. The transformation also led me to open my own law office, as my Pastor had encouraged me to do despite the odds stacked against me.”
Christ prepares and equips us for the unexpected
Living in the epicentre of COVID-19, in Brooklyn, New York, Melissa has seen her borough hit significantly. “You hear the hopelessness and the fear, the loss of people who have loved ones who have passed away. One of the ministers of my own church died from the virus.” Melissa recalls a couple who called Crossroads’ prayer line after having fallen ill and were in the hospital as a result of COVID-19, “We prayed, and together we affirmed our belief that God is greater than the coronavirus.”
Prayer is key
And with COVID-19 upending lives everywhere in every which way – and in many cases, putting a strain on our spiritual connection with God– 24/7 prayer has never been more critical. Indeed, for many understanding and leaning on God will be the crucial factor in determining whether they will get through this. At a time where people are experiencing the same losses as Melissa had, she is committed to helping people the way she was supported in her desperate time of need while continuing to call in for prayer for her spiritual protection and fortification during the pandemic.
When asked why people should call into the prayer lines, Melissa responded, “Crossroads 24/7 prayer line was a major part of my Deliverance! I could be anonymous and have a real live prayer minister to listen, respond, and pray at any time! GOD blessed me with great Prayer Partners who encouraged me at all hours of the day, providing continuous support for those seeking GOD. GOD never sleeps.”
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:
The old has gone, the new is here!
2 Corinthians 5:17
Looking back to find the promise of tomorrow
Looking back on her transformational journey that started with her first call to Crossroads’ 24/7 prayer lines and reflecting on where she finds herself right now, Melissa shares, “My faith was both recourse and resource. I understand God better and have spent more time in the Church because I love it. I see more promise, the potential for growth in a renewed, resurrected life. I appreciate the intangible elements of life – love, family, etc. and realize how I sacrificed these things for a job or career that failed to reward. My perspectives and priorities have changed. I feel more grateful and knowledgeable about God than ever and realize that I did not have to fear or worry as I did in the past because God protected me. I live deeply touched by His Mercy!”